Chapter 56 of the more than 1,000 year old Tao Te Ching book of eternal wisdom by Lao Tzu, as so fully and lucidly translated by Stephen Mitchell, rocked me today.

The chapter says:

“Those who know don’t talk. 

“Those who talk don’t know. 

“Close your mouth, block off your senses, blunt sharpness, untie your knots, soften your glare, settle your dust.

“This is the primal identity. 

“Be like the Tao. 

“It can’t be approached or withdrawn from, benefited or harmed, honored or brought into disgrace. 

“It gives itself up continually. That is why it endures.”

When I read that I was numbed by disbelief, shocked. 

How could Lao Tzu, (551 – 479) possibly know this so long ago? I thought this message was only what I knew, no one else, from my mystical experiences of Reality, MER; something I had kept secret for over 60 years until I was prompted to start writing about the MERs in

(This is similar to another shock at a party a long time before I started the blog. An elderly couple talked about the Master of their (secret!) wisdom school’s teachings to a growing world wide following of millions. What the school was teaching was what my mystical experiences of Reality had only shown me, just me, or so I thought!).

When the Tao Te Ching  says “Those who know don’t talk”, it simply means they can’t. 

MER is ineffable, impossible to describe. It sees, knows and experiences what humans will never be able to see, know or experience in humanity’s present form.  

“Those who talk don’t know“. 

How can they!?

“Close your mouth, block off your senses, blunt your sharpness, untie your knots, soften your glare, settle your dust.”

Let go of all your beliefs! Examine their limited source. They don’t exist. They’re all secondhand, not you at all, never have been . 

With discernment and discrimination you’ll see all your beliefs you were embedded into by your birth’s culture are merely human, not eternal. 

MER teaches humans have been given all they need. Their wants are impediments to growth into what humans really are:

“This is the primal identity.

“Be like the Tao”. 

Or, ‘Let go and let Reality …’

“It can’t be approached or withdrawn from, benefited or harmed, honored or brought into disgrace.” 

You’ll find Reality ignores worship, idolatry, ceremony or any purpose or action other than its own.

“It gives itself up continually.”

It never takes. 

“That is why it endures.”  

All Is Well.

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