The Galilio Commission is seeking educators, formal and informal, to help develop a new field of inquiry: Consciousness Education.

Three free interactive online workshops with Dr Joan Walton and Laurel Waterman are coming up in January and February next year.

Joan and Laurel are educational researchers seeking to bring postmaterialist perspectives of consciousness into education at all levels, from early years, through primary, secondary, higher education, and beyond.

These webinars are intended as a starting point to form a network of people who share this passion for integrating expanded concepts of consciousness into education.

Joan and Laurel define consciousness education as ‘education about perspectives on the source and nature of consciousness and their implications for ways of being, knowing, teaching, and learning.’ They say that inclusion of the word ‘perspectives’ here is significant, as it allows an openness to alternative ways of understanding consciousness, encouraging constructive dialogue about the diverse meanings consciousness has in different contexts.

There are three main aims of this project: To create a working group of professionals and academics who are committed to the progression of consciousness education. To develop curricular and pedagogical support for consciousness education using a collaborative and participatory methodology. To write a book about the content and processes of consciousness education to support the learning and practice of future consciousness educators.  

If this project interests you, please join Dr. Joan Walton and Laurel Waterman for this series on the following dates by clicking the button below or getting in touch with the Commission directly:

Session 1: Thursday 18 January 2024, 19:00 – 20:00 (UK time) 

Session 2: Thursday 25 January 2024, 19:00 – 20:00 (UK time) 

Session 3: Thursday 1 February 2024, 19:00 – 20:00 (UK time)   


All attendees will receive links to view the recordings  Each of these sessions will explore a different theme:  

• Session 1  What is consciousness education? Introduction and sharing our perspectives.

• Session 2  ‘Why and where’ consciousness education? Sharing our educational experiences and the contexts in which we work.

• Session 3  How do we develop consciousness education? Planning a collaborative inquiry.  

If you would like to know more but you are unable to attend live, sign up and you will have access to the recordings and to be on the Consciousness Education email list.    

NOTE: Dr Joan Walton is a researcher from York St John University, UK, in the faculty of Education, Language and Psychology.  She has a lifetime interest in the phenomenon of consciousness, including an extensive exploration of its source and nature in her PhD thesis.  She has taken an interest in recent developments in consciousness studies that is happening in both science and philosophy.  Her aim now is to investigate the implications of postmaterialist ideas of consciousness for education and educational research.  

Dr Laurel Waterman is a Ph.D. Candidate in Curriculum and Pedagogy, Wellbeing Emphasis, at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto. She teaches narrative non-fiction writing at the University of Toronto and is an Adjunct Faculty in the Alef Trust’s MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology.  She is a board member of The Scientific and Medical Network (SMN), a UK-based educational organization focused on the intersection of science and spirituality and belongs to the Academy for the Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences (AAPS Global). Laurel’s research focuses on consciousness studies and education, with the goal of popularizing participatory and postmaterialist paradigms of consciousness in the field of education.

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