A correspondent was profoundly disgusted with current evidence of humanity’s evil:

I asked him:

“Did human culture capture you already, with or without asking you?

“Are there signs you know and are resisting?

“Is (your) boat an excellent refuge to nurture that resistance’s resolve?

“Are you at Robert Frosts’s crossroads?” :

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

“Strictly speaking, I don’t think Robert Frost chose. I think he was ready, called by Reality.”

My correspondent wrote back:

“(My) boat is my refuge.”

Me: “Ahhh yes!! Sailing. The very antidote to all evil, away from daily human indoctrination … Everyone should have a refuge from their human culture.

My refuge, like most mystics probably, is Reality.

Reality never fails. It gives, never takes.

I wrote back, defining evil as anything stopping humans discovering their real ‘mystic’ selves – (the word ‘mystic’ being a human word, whereas names in Reality are not needed to discern or explain the cosmic evolutionary process Reality is putting us through).

A widely admired Master accepted the existence of evil by calling it “The Negative Principle”.

Evil is real. Much in humanity remains that revolts existence, sickens our very being.


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