I have a developing conclusion that all origins and destinies are spiritual.

There really isn’t anything of everlasting value in the limited worldliness of humans worth taking seriously.

The indication is that humanity’s future somehow lies in every individual’s innate, sleeping spirituality.

Historically, Evolution keeps rolling into and over us, rejecting failures like superstition, primitive ignorance, tribalism, religions, communalism, communism, socialisim, conservatism, labourisim, war lords and dictators, anything out of the human mind …

The historically unquenchable human spirit of spirituality is the only evolutionary survivor.

Seemingly, Reality’s evolution only preserves and nurtures individuals’ spirituality.

This spirituality, hidden deeply but powerfully in the human psyche, is the winner, Reality’s only true destiny for Creation …

So if my experiences of Reality are anything to go by we are eventually meant to live fearlessly, painlessly, joyfully, profoundly harmoniously …

All Is Well.



  1. I find “spirituality” a difficult world but it is probably the only one that fits the bill, if we divorce it in our minds from the oleaginous awfulness of organised religions and their holier than thou tomfoolery.

    But yes, I am happy to agree and feel more strongly each day the truth of what you are saying.

    I am trying to describe my feelings and experiences in a further post of my own but day by day a certainty builds up.



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