anthonygarner@searchforthesoul: I have just finished an hour of meditation and felt I had to drop you a note.

It has become more and more powerful recently.

Keith: This sounds like a spiritual breakthrough for you Anthony.

A: If I said I seemed to be seeing the face of god, I think you would know just what I mean.

K: Well, I have to admit I was disappointed I never found the god I was looking for in the early days! However, what was revealed put paid to any further such false hope… For me the god thing is purely religious, cultural human baggage, it’s waned spirituality, been reduced to mere morality and ethics.

On the other hand my continued exposure to the reality of Reality has brought me to a remembrance of an admonishment from Hinduism a long time ago not to ever think I had reached the ultimate of all things but to remain guided ever onwards by my continuing Seeker inspired intuition.

So, is there even more than Reality? Yes, I’m beginning to think so. At the very least I think other personal evolutions of my condition by Reality are likely to take ‘me’ or whatever ‘I’ am even further into the reality of all existence.

A: Yes, I can quite see that. I continue my practice and its gets curiouser every day. More and more to experience I suspect.

Funny you should say that (about ‘god’) That is my exact experience too. I have never found the conventional “god”. But what I have found is another sort of “god” – or reality as you would call it. I use the expression “face of god” in this sense. Access to a transcendent reality.

The entry into such a state has become swift and almost automatic.

K: Yes, barely noticeable most of the time.

A: It seems to be very much what you have described although I suspect each of us feels or experiences something slightly different, or at least nuanced or interpreted slightly differently.

K: The basic takeaways people seem to experience are Immense Joy; Acceptance (love); belonging to everything known and unknown and; from the human perspective, profound knowledge of the nature of all existence.

([n my case, “Belonging” felt more like everything belonging to me!! Also in my case, “profound knowledge” doesn’t imply complete understanding!).

A: I hate to use the word “love” : it has such simpering Uriah Heap / Obadiah Slope connotations. But perhaps it gets me somewhere close.

K: Love is a human word that encompasses lust, anger, greed, myriad attachments and ego. Real love as revealed to me in my experiences is Acceptance. Reality revealed I was totally accepted in all ‘time’. That made me glow and grow intensely, in a way that obliterated mere human ‘love’ for ever.

A: But all certainly seems well, as you would put it.

K: Yes, it used to be hard to understand and believe sometimes but the clearer our perception of Reality becomes the more we understand Reality’s message that All Is Well.

A: Perhaps “reality” is a state of mind, perhaps indeed mind or consciousness creates reality as people like Goff seem to suggest.

K: Body is a human growth. The brain in that body is a receiver of the mystic experiences of Reality from outside all human existence. Consciousness is only another new brain idea in science’s perennial attempts to grasp Reality.

A: In any case, I have lost the need for any external validation from priest, philosopher or whoever.

Whatever this state of mind is, it is the answer. The philosopher’s stone, if you like.

It seems to put the world, reality in context. I may write a post on it, I may not. Like you I feel no need to proselytise, but its “real”. It is something rather than nothing.

K: Yes, I can most certainly recognise this conclusion!



  1. When I said, “Consciousness is only another new brain idea in science’s perennial attempts to grasp Reality” I meant to say, ‘mind’, not “brain”. 

    But I shouldn’t have said “only” a new idea either, as I have recently realised when we die the body, brain and mind are finished with but Consciousness never dies, it is harvested by Reality. Consciousness is the reason for our existence, probably all existence everywhere, not just human existence.

    Best wishes,


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