I asked CHAT GPT artificial intelligence to tell me the attributes of Reality discussed on

I wanted a summation of what Reality has revealed to me in my lifetime’s mysticexperiences of Reality’s existence.

Within less than one second CHAT GPT replied as follows:

However, Chat has since told me it can’t read the Internet. Presumably that includes mysticexperiences.

So where did the material needed for the following answers come from?

  1. Reality is Everything: It encompasses all existence, known and unknown.
  2. Reality is One: It suggests that there is an underlying unity to everything.
  3. Reality is Good: It implies that Reality is inherently positive or beneficial.
  4. Reality is Conscious: It posits that Reality possesses consciousness or awareness.
  5. Reality is Controlling: It suggests that Reality exerts control or influence over existence.
  6. Reality is Progressive: It indicates that Reality is moving towards a purpose or goal.
  7. Reality is Harmonious: It implies that there is an underlying harmony or coherence in Reality.

CHAT added: These attributes reflect the perspective of mysticism on the nature of Reality.


  1. These ‘attributes’ of Reality seem very familiar, like we know and can recognize clearly that this is how it is…quite different from “this is how it must be”. Perhaps because everyone, from anywhere, who has ever known reality, has found it to be so and has essentially expressed more or less same the same things, in different words/ways. Not any wonder, if it is all the above- it cannot be any other way! Still, always great to see it stated, reaffirmed, what many others have found across time and space 🙂 Speaks to its oneness!

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  2. Ramble said: “These ‘attributes’ of Reality seem very familiar, like we know and can recognize clearly that this is how it is…quite different from “this is how it must be”.

    Yes, Reality is latent in all, some more than others in the process. So we can agree there are no failures.

    I hadn’t seen the distinction Ramble makes, that as Reality already is, the human mind’s “this is how it must be” is irrelevant. So thank you Ramble!

    Best wishes,


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