From The Hindu Tradition of Breath Meditation: “The breath does not just begin or support life, the breath is the totality of life. It is life, far beyond the simple movement of the lungs in the bodies of mammals. […] Breath is the substance of which the inner and outer universe is constructed as well as the power within it which causes it to move and live…” Continue Reading

This reference was sent to by follower Ron Krumpos, author of the book THE GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT IN LIFE, Interviews with leading world mystics. The ebook has been downloaded 70,000 times.

This link from Ron is a very easy, lucid entry into the subject of breath from the point of view of the Hindhu spiritual experience – very comprehensive and inclusive of other spiritual ways too. I’ve saved it as a permanent reference for further reading.

However, my first reaction was to reference my personal experiences of Reality (MER) for illumination, only to discover nothing at all about breath! I feel no twitchings of intuition on the subject whatsoever. I seem to have been taken completely out of any human reference by my MERs in general, including breathing because there was nothing human jn my MERs, nothing breathing.

Of course I have often come across references to Hindhu spiritual breath control but upon any further concentration at the time found nothing responded in me then, either.

For me therefore, breathing is simply a basic, necessary biological aspiration with no significance or use after human death.

I may be misreading the subject due to my adherence to the dawning realisation only experience of anything is valid – to the exclusion of all teachings, readings, ideologies, gossip and rumour, faith, hope or belief etc. That’s partly why I trust my MERs.

That sounds very severe, but is solid ground for me after my MERs. Personal experience is the only reality, all else is secondhand, artifice and human delusion …

I hope this is helpful. (It’s very difficult to tell if my revelations, if that is what they are, are meant to be shared, though some people tell me they are part of their personal epiphanies. That emboldens my posts somewhat …).




  1. When I said above that my experiences with breathing had not given me any discernible results I had forgotten my drastic breathing results with kundalini.

    I had read about the effect of breathing on the chakras so in my search for understanding the meaning of my mysticaal experiences of Reality (MER), I experimented.

    The force jolted my body upright and entered what appeared to be an empty skull, skimming round looking for an outlet. It must have found it because in another nano second my body, brain and mind would have been dissolved out of all existence. The force of whatever it was was instant.
    It’s power and speed obliterated everything in its path up my spine into my skull. It could not have been resisted even if such thought, any thought, had been possible.

    I eventually survived though I don’t know how that was possible either.

    Needless to say, I have not tried that again.


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