The Jesus of the Christian bible spoke of those his “God” had prepared for him. My MER experiences discern three human categories that suggest such preparedness:

  1. Humans born with an instinct to recognise and respond to a unique personal awareness of the existence of a spiritual reality beyond the common cultural sources of their times, ie. religions, but who also respond to human learning on the subject, to apparent human exemplars, and their own private, uniquely intellectual observations and intuition. I call them the spiritually sensitive whether they know it or not, like it or not, or have difficulty with going against human cultural tides or not. Such humans are starting on the long path to shedding their humanity and knowing their true existence.
  2. Those who the Christian bible refer to as “hungering and thirsting after righteousness” are, whether they know it or not, Seekers. This calling (vocation) is much stronger, takes them much nearer their personal, individual Enlightement before experiencing it. This call cannot be ignored – huge damage is done to those who try to avoid it. The good news is, life is much easier when they finally let go, submit to their destiny.
  3. Mystics. They are the ones who have experienced the mystical experience of Reality (MER) spontaneously. They don’t need “faith, hope or belief”; they know! They are learning more about Reality every day – are well on the way to their personal destiny…

Those are my conclusions as truthfully reported as I can, based on my unavoidable MER experiences, avoiding all mere human cultural intrusions.

I rarely if ever comment on the human condition because it’s in much better hands than mine!

My abiding conclusion is that “Reality is caught, not taught.” However, those who have had MER bestowed on them make the understandable human mistake of trying to gift MER to the human race themselves.

They always fail, as did Jesus’s efforts, as history reveals. He left no spiritual teachings, only mere human concepts of ethics and morality.

All such evangelical efforts fail. Reality rules.

All Is Well.

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