The heart of science is being able to replicate over and over again what science reveals or predicts about all existence.

The Mystical Experience of Reality, MER, has been replicated and faithfully recorded throughout human history to this very day.

Therefore MER is science. QED.



Thank you for you Comment in Comments, Ramble. Word Press emailed me to say they are having trouble so this is why your Comment doesn’t appear above. If it ever appears, this is my reply:

I don’t see how scientific method and its current applications can fully describe or explain existence. Yet the mystic experience of Reality, MER, can and does exactly that throughout history – in ways not currently available to mere scientific curiosity.

On its present trajectory will science, absent MER,  dissolve into the lower practicalities of human technology? Yes, possibly! I see this as a natural part of evolutionary change.

To me, it’s important to publicly share that science’s spiritual inadequacies are an impediment to real human progress.

Best wishes, Keith.

I found Ramble’s original comment to my post, to which I replied above!  Here it is:

Science deals with objective realities of the material world, its approach depending on being able to quantitate the measurable quantities and qualities of everything that can be perceived through senses (or their extensions in the form of devices/machines/ instruments).
Mystical or spiritual experiences of Reality on the other hand are abstract subjective experiences, that cannot be measured or quantified in any way, cannot be reliably communicated to anyone else (although can be expressed), and will never be verified by any methodology of science, by definition.
I see them as being in different dimensions altogether and also do not see why there is any need to reconcile them in any single lump, why the need to bring them under the same label anyway? They are perfectly fine expressions of what they are within themselves (as aspects of One whole Reality).


  1. Science deals with objective realities of the material world, its approach depending on being able to quantitate the measurable quantities and qualities of everything that can be perceived through senses (or their extensions in the form of devices/machines/ instruments).
    Mystical or spiritual experiences of Reality on the other hand are abstract subjective experiences, that cannot be measured or quantified in any way, cannot be reliably communicated to anyone else (although can be expressed), and will never be verified by any methodology of science, by definition.
    I see them as being in different dimensions altogether and also do not see why there is any need to reconcile them in any single lump, why the need to bring them under the same label anyway? They are perfectly fine expressions of what they are within themselves (as aspects of One whole Reality).

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