What do I know since these first spontaneous mystical experiences of Reality called me in my adolescence? 

They called throughout every year until my mid thirties. After that, they stopped, but my grooming continues to this day.

Therefore, when I say I ‘know’, I am not talking about faith, hope or belief. Each of these words admit whoever uses them is saying ‘I don’t know.’ But mystics do know.  They have had the mystical experiences of knowing.

So does anyone who professes to know the mystic experience of Reality, (MER), without having experienced It know what they are talking about? Or are they just another passing impediment to spiritual development from the feral side of the human mind?

I know from my direct experiences there is a benign, non human, non biological presence outside all human reach or understanding. It has created and controls all creation, including humans.

I know Reality has revealed Itself throughout history but only to individuals.

I know Reality is only interested in individuals personally, not human ideologies cultures, nations or religions. 

Mystics have no discernible human qualifications known to man for having these experiences.

As the experiences are outside anything known to mankind they are impossible to describe, ineffable. 

However, they do have four main intensive out-of-this-world characteristics:

  1. They impart as much knowledge of cosmic existence and understanding as a human can bear; 
  2. They fill the recipient with a joy beyond description; 
  3. They suffuse him/her with a sense of acceptance that can only be called pure, boundless, altruistic, unconditional love; 
  4. They infuse a sure knowledge of having always belonged to all creation, all consciousness, as a part of Reality Itself, for ever.

I also know Reality uses the human brain, not mind, as a receiver of Its will to  activate Its evolutionary purposes.

The mind is a human construct, part evil in the sense it tries to impress its human distortions on Reality’s purpose.

Fortunately, the evil part of mankind’s mind always fails as any examination of human kind’s history demonstrates to the careful student.

The other part of the mind is dedicated to the opposite, to Reality Itself whether humans know it or not. It is the side of light to evil’s darkness.

There is a minimal piece of evil in the good mind side and a minimal part of good in the evil side.

From this format we get the concept of the innocence of evil as well as the concept of the evil that bedevils the good side.

Reality seems not to notice this human dichotomy.  Reality’s will carries on unperturbed. It’s purpose seems to be to harvest all consciousness everywhere  without any let or hindrance from Its own creation.

Little of pure consciousness seems to have anything to do with the feral  human mind, good or bad.

Reality has given us all we need. It is not interested in our wants.

Eventually, Reality is the only trustworthy experience humans will ever experience that can be relied on forever, unconditionally.

The companionship of Reality is enough.

Finally, I was told on good authority, though not by Reality, that there are no failures. I haven’t experienced this so don’t know if it’s true. But my instincts and intuition tell me it is. I can believe it.

Finally, I know that All Is Well. (Though it took many years for this perspective to sink into my understanding).



  1. I relate to the last paragraph. I know the reality or truth of The All and oneness. That is to say I don’t doubt it. I can however doubt how the puzzle pieces fit together if that makes sense.


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