I’m told mystics are intuitive. As a mystic, I haven’t noticed. But maybe I’m not identifying the experiences I have as being ‘intuitive’. My mystical experiences have lead me to understanding some things effortlessly, easily, naturally, accurately and truly. Is that intuition? It never occurred to me everyone doesn’t have it.

But sometimes when I read my posts, although I can be most impressed even though I almost can’t believe I wrote them, I am profoundly humbled, uncontrollably, beyond my humanity.

My posts are received from these direct experiences of Reality. They are conveyed to me innately, not by any human language except in one instance when it was revealed “All Is Well”; as I have described elsewhere in this Blog.

Perhaps others do have this intuition but don’t pay attention or don’t trust it or themselves?

Even cursory research shows there is widespread, modern and historical acceptance of the MER experience. It’s real.

There are lots of words/phrases for it: hunches, inference, instinct, cognition, gnosis, apprehension, insight, inspiration, sixth sense, impression, suspicion, direct knowledge, common sense, insights, opinions, enlightenment, transcendence, altered state …

(Gnosis springs out to me from that tentative list. In its pure, historical meaning it stands for the experience of the union/knot with ultimate existence. It implies intuitive knowledge of spiritual truths. According to Wikipedia “it signifies a knowledge or insight into humanity’s real nature as divine, leading to the deliverance of the divine spark within humanity from the constraints of earthly existence.”(The word gnostic exists in the Christian bible. It is also self used by a modern cult ‘religion’ purportedly made up of gnostic humans. I avoided such ‘gnostics’ after they insisted there are different forms of the experience such as Jewish gnosticism, Catholic, Anglican gnosticism, etc. Such distintions don’t exist in Reality. Their leader wanted to make a worshipping religion of gnosticism with ceremonies, prayers, priests and robes – Reality reduced to human mythomania).

More seriously, some psychologists say intuition is the brain rapidly sorting out hunches generated by the unconscious mind …

My intuition is they are wrong if they assume the brain creates intuition. I intuit it doesn’t!

I think intuition could be the way Reality communicates throughout all existence. As mystics know, in Reality, in which all things are perfect and everything is at peace wih itself, there are no names or languages. Is this another indication intuition is in fact the transmitting language of Reality?

Is this why the historical admonition to “Know Thyself”, or the urgings of the wise to listen to our “still, small inner voice”, to recognise our ‘intuition’, (that we see in dogs, horses, cows, etc.), why monasteries insist on evidence of your ‘vocation’, ie: ‘voice’, before becoming a monk, why gurus tell us to meditate?

Are mystics the only ones currently developed enough to use intuition as part of their daily lives?

As I have written here before, I think intuition is a human word describing how mystics are conscious of widely experienced things humans also see but don’t notice, that intuition is “an ineffable conscious experience, as distinct from any physical or computational process*”. Intuition seems as common to humans as their blindness to it.

Nevertheless, is intuition the human ‘eureka’ principle, those sudden, logically and intellectually unsupported sudden scientific discoveries we hear so much about?

Is intuition just Reality at work, despite most humans being biased against anything that is not widely experienced or accepted by their human cultures – ie: collective cultural blindness?

Will intuition generally develop eventually through basic human intelligence to full blown attributes of intuitive observation, conclusion, action and communication? Will human languages die? Is this intuitive process part of the evolutionary process?

I intuit the brain is just a receiver when it comes to intuiting knowledge. Reality uses the brain to receive and transmit ‘intuitions’, to guard, guide and direct us personally, directly.

Why do some use this intuition and others don’t? Perhaps some aren’t ‘wired’ enough for it yet, or just not aware of its existence, or of their personal ability to try listening to it? The human race is still in evolutionary development so maybe the answers to who has what, and who still doesn’t, lies in the future somewhere?

Is intuition the human word to describe the ineffable experience of MER? Mystics would say partly, yes, because any experience, any consciousness, particularly the experience of the Mystic Experience of Reality, is the beginning of all wisdom.

For me, my experiences of Reality are far more believable, profoundly impelling beyond question, than anything merely human.

Therefore, so far as my experiences are concerned the answer to the question, Is intuition the innate, common “language” of communication in Ultimate Reality? is, most likely, YES!

*Wordweb dictionary for ‘ineffability’.


  1. Keith, as I write in my ebook:
    Spiritual knowing, mystical gnosis, is complete intuitive insight. It combines the very definition of all three words. Complete: “The entirety needed for realization; consummate.” Intuitive: “Knowing something without rational processes; the immediate cognition of it.” Insight: “Discernment of the true nature of a situation; the penetration beyond the reach of the senses.”


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