
The true experience of Reality is defined by markers common to all such true experiences throughout history. But revealing them here could encourage pretenders so I won’t.

Sufficient to say the traditional tribal, cultural ‘God’ of war, threats, bullying, misogyny, land theft, exclusion, plagues, disasters, coercion, fantasy, deceit, anger, favouritism, anthropomorphism and religions, are no part of the mystical experience of Reality, (MER) which so ensnared our culturally limited, undeveloped ancestors. Is this why religion all over the world is now dying?

MER is the very antithesis of such ‘godlike attributes’.

There are many names throughout history for phenomenal experiences, including the word ‘God’. Not all of them are true mystical experiences of Reality. 

I was brought up to believe in a God before my experiences began. I expected, and was bewildered, disappointed, when there was no ‘God’ of any description in any of those experiences, then or after.

I am beginning to think the make up of the Reality I experienced throughout 15 years of my life from the age of 15 is made up of the same elements found in the cosmos, including humans.

We’re told these elements include water, oxygen gas, O2, and most organic compounds, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, proteins, nucleic acids and thousands of others science doesn’t have a reason for them being there …

Nevertheless, the Reality mystics experience is not human. Reality may have all these ingredients but they are on a completely different, commanding, creative level to our as yet undeveloped selves.

Reality is in charge, according to my revelations. Reality is beyond our limited free will. It is benign, asks for nothing, not even worship or prayers. In my experience Reality is only interested in individuals. It is loving beyond human experience or description. And we are of it. The experience of Reality is an experience of total joy and trust beyond description. That’s the very basic mystic experience of Reality. 

The word ‘God’ in any language describes a false, human fantasy, ‘God’ is not the Reality in which we really live – whether we know it yet or not.

All Is Well.

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  1. Keith,

    In 1959 I was introduced to mysticism by Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Nobel astrophysicist at the University of Chicago. He was an atheist and once wrote:
    “God is man’s greatest invention.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As you will know, Ron, on a mystic level validations are not needed. Nevertheless, on a human level Dr.Chandrasekhar’s expression of a unique mutual experience from such a distinguished stranger is welcome!

      Regards, Keith.


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